Not-So-Live Launch Events


approx $10 USD / £8 GBP / $15 AUD

Host engaging launch events to boost your conversions WITHOUT having to show up live!

Take a peek at my Life-First, asynchronous, time-zone-friendly launch strategy that lets me promote my offers without being chained to my desk (or even at work at all!)

If you are tired of the pressure of live launches, sign up. It's so much easier to monitor a launch than to be knee-deep in the middle of it, doing all the things.

-Cori Willis

You’ve got AMAZING offers you want to promote but showing up live to sell them just isn’t working…

You’ve tried pushing yourself to host webinars past bedtime to accommodate your client’s time zones. Or put on week-long challenges that leave too drained to finish your launch. Or “hopped on” a bunch of lives when your schedule really couldn’t handle it.

And, at the end of it all, you feel like absolute rubbish (or trash for my American friends 😘) with results that feel less and less worth it.

What if you simply took all of the LIVE elements out of launching?

Sounds great right?! By launching the Not-So-Live way, you can:

  • Have a repeatable system that allows you to promote your stuff in a way that actually fits around your real-life

  • Set everything up once, ahead of time, and then enjoy watching your amazing launch event while getting on with your other priorities

  • Make space for the inevitable life things that pop up like sick days, childcare falling through or even vacations!

not so live launch events

 I created this bite-sized course to show you how I’ve managed to run my launch events around my real life

And get you moving on hosting your next promotional event in a more flexible, sustainable way that actually works with your energy - not against it!

Oh, and I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes walk through of all the tech, systems and processes behind my latest (and dare I say it, greatest!) not-so-live event Audit Fest.

Nadine Nethery

Nadine Nethery


As a busy business-owning mum of 3, live launching has always seemed somewhat daunting to me. I never enjoyed it, and without fail, one of the kids would get sick and derail my schedule.

With Not-So-Live Launch Events, I hosted a totally pre-scheduled 4-day challenge that grew my list and sales significantly without any stress or my involvement.

I had the idea 4 weeks before the challenge start date, and had everything fully scheduled, mapped out and prepared as I opened the cart 2 weeks out from day 1.

This resource was a no-brainer because I knew the quality of Michelle's work, and the price was irresistible! My affiliates loved it, my challengers loved it, and so did I! This definitely won't be my last not-so-live launch as I'm already planning my next.

Michelle Pontvert website and marketing strategist


I’m a wee bit obsessed with creating hard-working marketing strategies so you get great results even if you’re short on “desk time”

My business is run entirely around my family and our unique circumstances which means I’m not in control of my own schedule, so some weeks I have as little as 5 hours to work 😅

But instead of letting those constraints hold me back, they’ve become the lines I choose to color within! It’s forced me to get really creative about how I want to show up, grow my business and sell my offers.

Which has led to hosting all sorts of promotional events like my Not-So-Live Audit Fest event, a week-long challenge, a 48-hour webinar and more!

And seeing how I’ve been able to launch and host events around sick days, school strikes and major life events without them going of the rails, I thought it was about time to share how I do it with you 😘

Because your schedule, energy or capacity shouldn’t hold you back from sharing your amazing offers with the people who need them most!

 Here’s what you get:

not so live launch events course mockup

You get instant access to:

  • Immediate access to the full course broken down into easy-to-consume, bite-sized video lessons walking through everything you’ll need to pull off your Not-So-Live Launch Event with ease

  • Behind the scenes walk through of my out of the box Audit Fest event; my Not-So-Live week-long challenge / webinar hybrid where I dropped public website audits for each day for everyone to enjoy (and learn from!)

  • Private Podcast feed so you can listen to the content on the go

  • BONUS: An invitation to join my client & student-only Facebook group Chez Michelle where you can get support & ask questions as you work through picking your marketing strategies 

  • Closed captions for accessibility

Just €9!

approx $10 USD / £8 GBP / $15 AUD

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’ve tried the typical live launching strategies and they left you feeling drained and exhausted


    You could never even try live launching strategies because there was no way they’d fit in your life

    This course was made for you! Because I’m in the exact same boat 😘

  • I can’t guarantee any specific results because your offer, your audience and how well they match are what ultimately what will dictate how successful your launch is.

    What I will say is this, when I have tried live launching in the past, my results were worse than with my not-so-live launches - likely because I was so overstretched and exhausted by the live promotion that I wasn’t doing a very good job of it in the first place 😅

  • No problem, sometimes things don’t work out! That’s why I offer a 14-day easy-peasy refund. I’ll ask you a few simple admin questions to process your refund and you’ll see the money back in your account within 5-10 business days.

  • Fill out my contact form or chat with me via the chatbox at the bottom of your screen - I'm here to help!